Saturday, August 29, 2009

The "Pistachio Principle" of Weight Loss

The key to the "Pistachio Principle" is to eat food that take a long time to eat. Such as food that have shells. It i the belief of James Painter, PhD, RD, that we aren't fat because if calories eaten, but because we eat to fast for our body get fullness queues from the brain.

How you might put the Pistachio Principle to the test:

Instead of drinking juices, where calories are quickly consumed, eat fresh fruit instead--a whole orange or tangerine, for example, eaten slowly and section-by-section after peeling it, takes longer to consume and has fiber you don't find in the juice.

What do you think about the "Pistachio Principle"?

1 comment:

  1. I think that this actually a very good tip. I know that I eat too fast and that satiation is very much 1/2 stomach, 1/2 mind kind of thing. I'll make it my four-day challenge to eat slower over the next four days. Thanks for this post!
