Friday, July 24, 2009

I've Lost 4lbs This Week

I've lost 4lbs this week--don't get too excited. Was it due to healthy eating, exercise, plenty of sleep and water? Nope. I was working a conference, so I lived mostly off of high-gluten fare, sweets (although we did have the BEST strawberries), and LOTS of coffee/diet pepsi. I still feel dehydrated from lack of water. How did I lose this weight? Especially when the catered food was mostly high-fat, high-glycemic index carbs and low in nutritional quality? Well I'll tell you: low-level nausea! My skin has been rather awful lately and the thing that works best for me is birth-control pills. So, I went to the dr. to get a prescription, but my cycle demanded that I start taking them before the new ones arrived. So, I started taking expired pills that I had left-over. Now, I'm not blaming the nausea on the expiration of said pills. I looked it up and read a couple articles and since I'm not using the pills for actual birth-control, they are just "less effective" not "gone bad," but I did forget how nauseous the pill can make one feel the first couple weeks when you're getting used to it. Ugh, I'm going to soldier through, but I need to buy some more millet toast because that seems to be the only thing I want to eat as I'm adjusting to the hormones.

So, dear reader, do you have a love-hate relationship with a medication you take? I'd love to hear about it.



  1. I take my pill at 8pm. For the following reasons:

    - I got nausea already in the morning from motion sickness.
    - It is easier to stay consistent on the weekends because I am almost always up at 8pm.

    Also, don't down play the weight loss. Maybe the conference provide you more exercise then the car sitting and desk sitting you do.

    Also, maybe you did less eating overall because you can't graze the whole day cause you can't talk to professionals while eating.

    So evaluate honestly the week to see if there was some posiitive things that were done that you can build on.

  2. I really did do quite a bit of running around during the conference and only sat between tasks. So, the extra exercise probably did contribute toward the loss. Also, I take my pill at night as well, but I still take a while to get used to it.

    Thanks for the encouragement!
