Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Breaking Down Assumptions about AM Caffeine

So, last week I had that bout of food poisoning and because caffeine kills a recovering stomach, I didn't have morning coffee or English Breakfast tea for a couple days. The caffeine headache was soothed by sleeping in and Advil. So then this week I thought I'd see what happened if I didn't take the 10 minutes in the morning to make coffee/tea. You see, I do a flex schedule, so I need to be out of the house around 6:20 a.m. (and sometimes I'm at work until 9:00 p.m. and not home until almost 10 p.m.--yes, I'm going to figure out how not to have this crappy schedule for little pay soon). So, 10 minutes or five or whatever time I took to make coffee/tea in the morning can be replaced with sleep and if I need caffeine, I work on a campus and I can go buy coffee/tea at one of the two coffee shops on campus or the cafeteria (though I've only done that a couple times while working here). I had a cup of green tea Monday, diet soda (bad, gave me heart-burn--okay, I had like three diet cokes) Tuesday, and today nothing yet. This could be a really good thing--dependency bothers me and I think I made some assumptions about my "need" for caffeine based on cultural cues rather than self-generated desire. Now, this isn't a "I eschew all caffeine post" or a "coffee/tea is the devil post"--I still intend to enjoy these beverages/drugs on occasion, but the everydayedness, the routine, the stumbling in the dark hours of the morning, that's what's gone from the equation. I don't need it, sometimes I like it, but I don't want to get so stuck in a pattern that I don't actual listen to my body.


1 comment:

  1. I am not a morning person. I perfer iced coffee. So I make 12 cups of coffee with splenda and liquid creamer, every 3 days at night. Refridgerate. Drink in the morning from a thermos. It stays cold until I get to work. I like the refridgerated coffe best because it doesn't get watered down by melting iced cubes.

    Also, a thermos brand thermos will keep a cup of coffee hot for 12 hours.

    Also, you can get a coffee maker under $15. Why not by one for the office/cube if allowed. Then do it at work.
