Friday, September 11, 2009

Fat Loss with Cosmetic Surgery

For those who are out of control and the seceret behind many of the celebrity bodys. Her are list of fat loss cosmetic surgeries.

Laser Liposuction – a targeted and precise liposuction procedure that can get rid of excess fatty tissue around the waist, thighs, buttocks, arms or any other part of the body. Smart Lipo is one popular body contouring procedure, a treatment that gets rid of fat pockets by breaking up the fat cells and releasing them into the body. Smart Lipo treatments can be combined with other bodysculpting procedures for enhanced results.

Mesotherapy – a series of injections filled with medication and vitamins are designed to break down cellulite and fat cells. Mesotherapy is a popular fat loss treatment in Europe, and can be found in hundreds of medspas and cosmetic surgery centers in the United States. The injections can dissolve fatty tissue, and can be combined with massage therapy to improve lymph flow and drain the body of excess fluid.

LipoDissolve – another non-invasive procedure that treats fatty deposits with a series of injections, the chemicals in LipoDissolve may help to dissolve fat and improve the skin’s appearance. The broken down tissue is shuttled away through the body’s elimination system, and the treatment can be used to treat the thighs, upper and lower arms, abdomen, waist and even fat deposits on the back.

I don't recommend any surgeries. My goal is to try to improve the body I got with diet and exercise and live with the body that results from that. Surgery is not worth the risk of death for me.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to let you know that I thought that this was really informative. Not that I'm considering plastic surgery, but its good to know are many (and varied) surgeries are out there and to remember to look critically at these kinds of "fixes."
