Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jeremy Piven: I Grew "Breasts" From Drinking Too Much Soy Milk

The Entourage actor has sworn off the healthful dairy milk substitute -- he chugged 12 cups a day -- because of an unflattering side effect, reports the Huffington Post.

"I was the guy that dabbled in soy milk, but now I've found out soy milk has enough estrogen for me to grow breasts," the Emmy winner explained. "I had to put the soy milk down. It was a very confusing time."

Well the estrogen may not have given him man boobs but the calories could have. Soy milk is a 100 calories a cup . So if he drank 12 cups a day that is 1200 calories on top of what other foods he ate during the day. 12 cups of anythings besides water does not equal moderation in healthy diet. So remember just because the food has health benefits it doesn't mean you can forget about portion control.

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